LINCOLN- On Wednesday, the nine-member Executive Board of the Nebraska Legislature, which acts as the main human resources arm of the institution, voted unanimously to release the results of a formal investigation into the action of Sen. Steve Halloran, who on March 18th inserted the name of several senators into a reading of a graphic rape scene.

The Board also voted 8-1 to formally reprimand Halloran in an internal letter rather than advance Sen. Machaela Cavanaugh's LR355, which called for the Legislature to formally censure Halloran. The eight proponent lawmakers, including Speaker John Arch, said they "formally deplore" Halloran's "unacceptable conduct."

Sen. John Lowe, vice chair of the Executive Board, was the lone 'no' vote. Last week, Lowe, alongside eight other senators, called for LR355 to be dismissed or ignored. Halloran, who is term-limited, said he felt he was being "raked over the coals" on the legislative floor, and argued that a formal censure would "chill" his free speech.

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